Friday, September 2, 2016

Bulletin September 4-30, 2016

New Saint!

Saint Teresa of Calcutta

Canonization September 4, 2016

When Mother Teresa is canonized on September 4, she will be most remembered for her selfless love of the poor.  In the Church we often use the word “charity” to describe that type of love. Mother Teresa worked with the poorest of the poor in Kolkata (Calcutta), India, serving lepers and others who would otherwise suffer without care. Her services were given freely, and her example was followed by the sisters in the order she founded, the Missionaries of Charity. 

Mother Teresa was born AnjezĂ« Gonxhe Bojaxhiu on August 26, 1910, she died on September 5, 1997.  She was born in Skopje (modern Republic of Macedonia), then part of the Ottoman Empire. After   eighteen years, she moved to Ireland and then to India, where she lived for most of her life.

Mother Teresa has inspired thousands of followers in several different nations as well as individual acts of kindness around the globe. She has been mentioned as an inspiration by world leaders. Her order has 19 mission homes in Kolkata, as well as several others around the world. The Missionaries of Charity also operate a school, care for ex-prostitutes and run soup kitchens.

Another reason why Mother Teresa is important is not one that is normally advertised. Mother Teresa had grave doubts about God and her relationship with Him. Mother Teresa said she felt this way because she saw so much suffering in the world, which is a common problem for many who question the nature of God.

What is important is not that she doubted, but that she remained faithful in spite of her doubts. She knew that Christianity requires charity, that is, Christian love.  Her message is universal. Mother Teresa's message was to embrace suffering, especially that of the poor in whose faces she saw Christ.

One of the great tragedies of our time, and indeed of all time, is that we tend to shun the suffering or at least avoid interacting with those who suffer. Even a small kindness can have a tremendous impact on a person's suffering, even small gestures of kindness.

Every human being suffers and understands suffering. Every human being also understands kindness and compassion. Mother Teresa is important because she lived her life in such a way so as to inspire kindness. Few people do this, and for this reason it is important to hold up her example for all to follow.                                                
 Saint Teresa of Calcutta, pray for us!

This year we celebrate Labor Day on September 5.  As a nation we dedicate one day a year to those who labor, especially those who perform manual labor.
In 1981 Pope Saint John Paul wrote: “Work is a good thing for man - a good thing for his humanity - because through work man not only transforms nature, adapting it to his own needs, but he also achieves fulfilment as a human being and indeed, in a sense,   becomes ‘more a human being.’
“Work is an obligation, that is to say, a duty, on the part of man. . . Man must work, both because the Creator has commanded it and because of his own humanity, which requires work in order to be maintained and developed. Man must work out of regard for others, especially his own family, but also for the society he belongs to, the country of which he is a child, and the whole human family of which he is a member, since he is the heir to the work of generations and at the same time a sharer in building the future of those who will come after him in the succession of history”. - Laborem Exercens (On Human Work ), Pope John Paul II, 1981
Happy Labor Day!

Scripture Readings For September

* September 4 Seventeenth Week of Pentecost - SUNDAY THE FRUIT OF THE WORD: LOVE OF NEIGHBOR (Parable of the Good Samaritan) Book of Offering Page 425 or 492 Rom 13:8-14 Lk 10:25-37

* September 11 Eighteenth Week of Pentecost - SUNDAY THE FRUIT OF THE WORD: LOVE OF NEIGHBOR (Parable of the Vineyard Tenants) Book of Offering Page 425 or 492 1Pet 1:22-25 Mk 12:1-12

* September 14 Wednesday - FEAST OF THE HOLY CROSS Book of Offering Page 606 1Cor 1:18-25               Jn 12:20-32

* September 18 - FIRST SUNDAY AFTER THE HOLY CROSS Book of Offering Page 606 2Tim 2:1-10                Mk 10:35-45

* September 25 - SECOND SUNDAY AFTER THE HOLY CROSS Book of Offering Page 606 1Cor 15:19-34 Mt 24:1-14
September 18, 2016
All Catholic parishes in the United States have been asked to take up a special collection for the victims of the flooding in Louisiana. Bishop Elias would like to have all of our parishes participate in this special collection. The funds collected will help our Maronite Families in Louisiana who need assistance, along with sending funds directly to Catholic Charities USA.

This   collection will be held at St. Raymond on Sunday September 18, 2016.   Please make your checks payable to the parish; the collection will be taken up after the regular Sunday collection.  If someone would rather donate through a credit card they can call the Chancery 314-231-1021 or donate directly on our  website:

2016 Festival Updates
First, I wanted to thank all  for their support and help with this year’s festival.  Our current challenges have not interfered with the parish’s resolve to have a successful festival.  You know this event began as the St. Raymond’s Homecoming, it was created  not only for the parish to prosper financially, but also socially.  It was meant to bring the community together; I can’t think of a better time to do so.  I’m inviting our parishioners to use this event as a family get together; the original intent.
Come and enjoy the time with your family.  We want this year’s Festival to be a fun and prosperous event for all.  If you would like to help, please contact myself, Linda, Gina, or Lou Peters.  We can point  to a booth chairperson to help schedule a convenient time for you.
Lastly, I am asking for everyone’s consideration and help to insure the success of this year’s Festival.  We are posting signs asking that no outside food, drink or hookahs are allowed during the weekend’s events.  All the food, drink and hookahs will be available for your purchase, or rental.  We are asking to be considerate of our goal for a successful Festival. 
Once again I want to thank the members of the Festival Team, Donors, Volunteers and Attendees.  I look forward to seeing you all on Sept 17th and 18th, to celebrate our church, community and culture.
God Bless you all,
Sub-Deacon David Wahby
The next festival meeting will be Monday September 12th at 7pm in the Lebanon room. If you are a booth chair person or have another responsibility with the festival please come to the meeting.  This will be the last meeting before the festival.
Every Sunday after liturgy in the hall Booth Tickets and Raffle tickets will be sold. Pre-sale booth tickets are 25 tickets for $20. This offer is available until Sunday September 11th.  You may also contact the parish office to purchase booth  or raffle tickets. 
Saturday September 17th  6pm-10pm
* Main ticket booth will accept cash or credit card to purchase booth tickets
* Outside event
* All the booths will be accepting TICKETS ONLY
Sunday September 18th 11am-6pm
* Main ticket booth will accept cash and credit card to purchase booth tickets
* Raffles will accept cash and credit card.
* The Inside Kitchen will accept cash, credit card and booth tickets
* All the booths will be accepting TICKETS ONLY
* The Inside Kitchen will be closing at 5pm

Festival Sponsors
Special thanks to our Festival Sponsors who have donated so far….
North American Montessori, Donald Ganim, Schowalter & Jabouri, P.C., Brian and Robbyn Wahby, Dr. and Mrs. John Bouhasin, Midwest Cardiovascular, Inc., Garrett Paper Company, Helene Gazall and Family, George and Marilue Simon, Dr. Abe Hawatmeh, Anthony and Haifa Sabat, Lewis E. Reed, President Board of Aldermen, Deacon Lou Peters and Merry Kweiter.
Please continue to ask for sponsorships. We will be accepting sponsorships until Sunday September 4th.
Forms are available in the Parish Office

A Special Thank You to those who have donated so far ……
Dr. and Mrs. Dan Abodeely, Mr. and Mrs. Michael Banovz, Mr. and Mrs. John Jabouri,  Mr. and Mrs. Terry Rask, Betsy Hooper, Dr. and Mrs. John Bouhasin, Midwest Cardiovascular, Inc. , Garrett Paper Company, Kenrick’s Meat and Catering, Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Miller, Mr. Steve Katich, Mr. and Mrs. Elias Hitti, Mrs. Diana Deeba, Ms. Shirley Milford, Ms.  Ramona Milford,  Mr. and Mrs. Michael Thomas, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ehlen, Dr. Maged Haikal, Mr. and Mrs. Brad Powell, Mr. and Mrs. Mark Crenshaw,  Mrs. Karen Antoni, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Ulett,  Mrs.    Elizabeth Wolf, Mr. James Simon, The Cedars, Mr. and Mrs. Guy Gendron, Mrs. Mary Louis, Mr. and Mrs. John Denny and Ms. Pam DiMercurio.
Ladies Society
The Ladies will hold their monthly meeting on Tuesday September 6th at 7pm in the Lebanon Room.               
All are welcome to attend!

Men’s Society
The Men will hold their monthly meeting on Thursday September 8th. Dinner at 6:00pm followed by the meeting at 6:30pm in the Lebanon Room.
All are welcome to attend!
Pastoral Council and Finance Committee
The next Pastoral Council and Finance Committee meeting will be Tuesday September 13th at 7 pm in the Lebanon Room. The Pastoral Council represents the parish. As a parishioner, please tell the council members of any concerns or questions you may have for the parish and they will bring them to the meeting. The Pastoral Council and Finance Committee members are listed on the back of the bulletin.

Parish Finances August 28th-September 4th
Saturday August 27th Loose Offertory: $6.00
Saturday August 27th Envelope Offertory: $120.00
Sunday August 28th Loose Offertory: $103.00
Sunday August 28th Envelope Offertory: $1,429.00
Feast of the Assumption:  $20.00 (Sat & Sun)
Maintenance and Repair:  $20.00 (Sat & Sun)
Revenue during the week: $540.00
Candles: $42.00
Kitchen Sales: $104.00
Coffee Hour: $146.00
Income: $2,490.00
Cedar’s Income: $6,124.37
Expenses: $8,025.23

Festival Income August 21st-September 4th
Donations: $2,071.05
Sponsorships: $450.00
Booth Tickets: $260.00
Raffle Tickets: $580.00
Total: $3,361.05


Kitchen Scoop
Monday Rolling Cabbage @ 8 am
Tuesday Making Kibbi Aras @ 8 am
Rolling Grape Leaves Schedule:
Sunday September 11th after liturgy in the kitchen. 
Kitchen Schedule:
* September 5th:  Closed due to the Holiday
* September 7th: Serving lunch, but not Tabouli
* September 14th: Not Serving lunch, but will be doing prep work for the festival
The Kitchen is in need of workers for both days of the festival.
Many hands make the work load lighter!
A festival prep-work schedule will be emailed to the parish. This is just an idea of what needs to be done.
Prep-Work Schedule
* September 14th: Prep Chicken and Pork Kabobs
* September 15th: Tabouli
* September 16th: Meat Pies

If you would like to volunteer please contact Denise Seifert, Kathleen Wahby, or Gina Fanett

International Institute
The International Institute of St. Louis offers comprehensive adjustment services for refugees and immigrants in our community. In turn, these newcomers expend the richness of St. Louis’ diversity and help revitalize our economy. (

The International Institute is looking for groups to sponsor potluck lunches for new refugees (many of them Syrian). The food is for about 50 people. Margie Simon would like to put together a group of  individuals from the parish to sponsor a lunch on Thursday September 29th. Please contact Margie Simon at or the parish office  (314-621-0056) if you are interested in participating.

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