Thursday, March 24, 2016

Bulletin March 27th-April 3rd

Today the Church and her children rejoice for our Lord and Savior has risen from the dead. The resurrection of the Lord is the central event of our salvation, the one that gives meaning to who we are and what we do. Every celebration of the Eucharist  and the other mysteries refers to it as the source of inspiration and meaning.

The resurrection is the feast of feasts, the queen of all feasts. Originally the church celebrated only one feast, the resurrection itself, which was recalled and renewed each Sunday at the celebration of the Divine Mysteries. Soon, however, it began to recall the Passover of the Lord and his victorious resurrection in a special way once a year, in  addition to the weekly commemoration of the resurrection. Eventually this annual  celebration of the Lord’s resurrection was prepared for by a season of prayer, fasting, and penance-Lent, and the feast  itself was extended for fifty days; The Church, thus, now celebrates the resurrection of the Lord for a week of weeks (fifty days): from the Sunday of the Resurrection to Pentecost Sunday (the fiftieth day).

 Today’s feast is one of joy and peace:

Peace to those who are far and

good hope to those who are near

For Christ has risen from the grave

and has gathered those who were

scattered and given them joy

The joy and peace that flow from the Lord’s resurrection are expressed today by the rite of peace which follows the gospel in the Divine Mysteries. The cross is removed from the tomb where it has rested since Great Friday and is draped in white. It is carried through the Church accompanied by hymns of praise and joy. The priest solemnly blesses the  congregation with the glorious cross and then presents it to them that they might adore it.

By his living cross Christ has saved us from going astray and given us a way to heaven. Through the cross peace and harmony reign among God’s people and we are led to perfection.

 And so filled with peace and with joyful hearts we proclaim:

A glorious morning has dawned,

And night has fled.

Light has conquered,

And night has been destroyed.

Our Annual Bishop’s Appeal calls us to be mindful that we are members of a larger Maronite Catholic community that encompasses a vast territory with existing challenges and growing needs. As the Bishop reported in his invitation to us, the Annual Bishop’s Appeal benefits the assistance for retired priests, seminarians, the Shrine, aid to Mission Parishes, Youth and Young Adult Ministries, and other vital ministries key to the life of our Eparchy. I ask you to please be generous in supporting the Bishop’s Annual Appeal.  The goal for Saint Raymond Cathedral Parish is $8,500.00 and I am     asking each family to be as generous as possible. Please make checks payable to Saint Raymond Cathedral Parish to receive a tax credit for your donation.  The Eparchy counts on parishes to make their goals in order for the ministries of the Eparchy to flourish. If Saint Raymond’s falls short in reaching our goal, we will need to meet the goal by using funds from the Sunday Collection, which funds are already earmarked for our own budget. In this Holy Year of Mercy, I ask that you prayerfully consider a donation to assist the Eparchy in this most worthy appeal.
St. Raymond’s has collected $3,520.00 so far and our goal is $8,500.00. If we don’t reach our goal, the   parish has to make up the difference.  We have to reach our goal by the end of April.
Please be generous and support the Eparchy. Thank you. 
Sub-Deacon Candidate Corner
As part of our formation, one of the goals of our ministry is to help parishioners develop a greater understanding of our rich Maronite Catholic History and Heritage. In furtherance of that goal we will be adding a short explanation to each bulletin about some aspect of our faith. This continues the discussion about our Maronite Liturgy.
The Lord's Prayer: Having mystically recalled the death and resurrection of Christ, we now seek to be nourished by the "tree of Life". To partake of this awesome gift, we must prepare ourselves. We begin with the recitation of the Lord's Prayer. Befitting its importance, the Lord's Prayer is introduced by a short prayer and is concluded with another. The introductory prayer petitions God to purify our hearts and consciences so that we can pray with confidence that prayer taught us by Christ Himself. The Lord's Prayer itself declares that God is indeed the Father of each of us. Not only is God's name holy, but all creation is holy because it is made in His image and likeness. Therefore, nature and especially human beings should never be violated. We pray that God's plan of salvation be fulfilled through His kingdom's being established on earth. God's kingdom itself is summarized in God's will being done on earth by all His creatures and, especially by uniting our wills with God's will, just as the heavens do the will of God. We invoke God's unfailing providence in providing for our daily needs. We commit ourselves to forgive others, as God has forgiven us. And we beg that God protect us from all the threats of evil. We conclude the Lord's Prayer with the Biblical affirmation that all kingdom, power, and glory being to God. Following the Lord's Prayer is a concluding prayer, called an embolism, because it develops the theme of the last petition of the Lord's Prayer, namely, that God deliver us from evil.
The Penitential Rite: To render the congregation worthy to receive the Eucharist, the celebrant imposes hands on the people and offers a prayer of absolution. We are reminded that Christ offered the sacrifice of the Eucharist for the forgiveness of sins. The celebrant calls upon the Holy Spirit to make the partakers worthy of communion.
Taken from A Commentary on the Holy Mysteries: The Holy Mystery of Offering (Qorbono)
By Chorbishop Seely Beggiani (
If you have questions about Catholic teaching or our Maronite tradition, or would like to suggest a topic, please email us or tell us the next time we see you. Thank you and God Bless.
David Wahby ( and Tony Simon (
Ladies Society
The Ladies Society will have their monthly meeting on Tuesday April 5th at 7pm in the Lebanon room. Everyone is welcome!
Men’s Society
The Men’s Society will have their monthly meeting on Thursday April 7th.  Liturgy at 6pm , dinner at 6:30 pm, followed by the meeting at 7pm in the Lebanon room.      Everyone is welcome!
The Feast of the Annunciation
Every year the Feast of  the Annunciation is March 25th. This year it fell on Good Friday . By Diocesan Liturgical Order it was moved to Tuesday March 29th  and the schedule of liturgies for that feast will be 8am and 7pm.
MYO Hafli April 30th at 7:00pm
Come join the fun (you only have to dance if you want to). We will provide pizza and soda. Bring something to share (chips, fruit, veggies, etc) and plan to have a great time! Young people ages (13-18) are encouraged to attend and participate. Current 8th graders should come too and get to know MYO. 
RSVP Susan DuBois text 636-579-3442 so we know how much pizza to order.

Festival Meeting
Please join us  for our first festival meeting on April 14th 7pm in the Lebanon room. The festival is September 17th and 18th.
Weekly Finances for March  20th-March 27th
Income: $4, 053.10
Expenses: $6, 230.57
This does not include Palm Sunday. Palm Sunday totals will be in the next bulletin.





Friday, March 18, 2016

Bulletin March 20-27, 2016

Sixth Sunday of Announcement
This Sunday  takes its name from the joyful shouts of the children of Israel as Jesus entered the city of Jerusalem in triumph, crying out: “Hosanna,” which means, “Save us now, we pray!” They also shouted out: “Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord.” Jesus was thus greeted as the Savior of Israel, the Messiah and Lord.

The procession with the psalms and olive branches that takes place on this day, originated in Jerusalem as a commemoration of Christ’s triumphant entrance into the Holy City. By the fourth century the Church in Jerusalem gathered each year to recall the Lord’s entrance into Jerusalem. The faithful gathered on the Mount of Olives with their bishop. There they sang psalms and hymns and listened to readings from the Old Testament and to the gospel    account of the Lord’s entry into the city. Late in the afternoon they went in procession from the Mount of Olives to the city of Jerusalem. The parents carried their children on their shoulders and all waved branches of palm and olive trees as they cried out: “Hosanna!” and “Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord!” Upon entering the city they went to the Church of the Resurrection, which was built over the tomb of the Lord, where they ultimately celebrated the Eucharist.

As we prepare for the great week of the Lord’s passion and death, we begin by recalling that Jesus was first rightly greeted by the crowds as their Messiah. These same crowds that today cried “Hosanna,” would later shout, “Crucify Him.” However, the Lord’s disciples, who today rejoiced over the reception that he received from the crowds, would desert him and hide in fear. And yet Jesus remained Messiah even on the cross for his true glory came not at the hands of the people, but from his Father. As we follow the Lord on the way to the cross, may we remain ever faithful to him who is our Savior and Lord.

Happy and Blessed Palm Sunday

Eparchy of Our Lady of Lebanon of Los Angeles

Recently, each parishioner should have received an invitation from Bishop Elias A. Zaidan, Bishop of the Eparchy of Our Lady of Lebanon of Los Angeles to participate in the Annual Bishop’s Appeal. If you did not receive this communication, please consider this your invitation to participate. Our Annual Bishop’s Appeal calls us to be mindful that we are members of a larger Maronite Catholic community that encompasses a vast territory with existing challenges and growing needs. As the Bishop reported in his invitation to us, the Annual Bishop’s Appeal benefits the assistance for retired priests, seminarians, the Shrine, aid to Mission Parishes, Youth and Young Adult Ministries, and other vital ministries key to the life of our Eparchy. I ask you to please be generous in supporting the Bishop’s Annual Appeal.  The goal for Saint Raymond Cathedral Parish is $8,500.00 and I am asking each family to be as generous as possible. Please make checks payable to Saint Raymond Cathedral Parish to receive a tax credit for your donation.  The Eparchy counts on parishes to make their goals in order for the ministries of the Eparchy to flourish. If Saint Raymond’s falls short in reaching our goal, we will need to meet the goal by using funds from the Sunday Collection, which funds are already earmarked for our own budget. In this Holy Year of Mercy, I ask that you prayerfully consider a donation to assist the Eparchy in this most worthy appeal.
St. Raymond’s has collected $1,450.00 so far and our goal is $8,500.00. If we don’t reach our goal, the   parish has to make up the difference. Please be generous and support the Eparchy. Thank you. 

2016-2017 NAM Scholarships
The National Apostolate of Maronites announces their Scholarship Program for 2016-2017.
USA and Lebanon Scholarships are available.
Information and applications are in the vestibule of the church and may be downloaded from the NAM website:
Deadline for applications is May 15, 2016

St. Raymond’s College and High School Scholarships
The college and high school scholarship applications are in the vestibule of church. The college scholarship application deadline is April 15th and the deadline for the high school scholarship application is May 16th.

Kitchen Scoop
The Kitchen will be closed for Wednesday lunch on March 23rd and will re-open for lunch on Wednesday March 30th.
On Wednesday March 23rd, the kitchen will be Rolling Grape Leaves @ 3:30 pm.

Weekly Finances for March 13th-March 20th
Income: $4,575.00
Expenses: $3,471.51
This does not include Wednesday Lunch

Tuesday, March 22nd, Wednesday March 23rd, and Friday March 25th during Great Friday  Service Reverend Monsignor Michael Witt, Ph.D. (Professor at Kenrick Glennon Seminary & noted Church Historian) will be speaking at all the liturgies.
Please plan to join us during Holy Week for
Spiritual Enrichment in preparation for

                                              St. Raymond’s Holy Week Schedule

10 a.m.                               Solemn Liturgy with procession and distribution of palms.    
4 p.m.                                  Liturgy & distribution of palms.
                                               PALM SUNDAY DINNER
11:30 a.m.-3 p.m.             Lebanese food will be served for the public in the Cedars Hall.
                                           MONDAY, TUESDAY & WEDNESDAY, MARCH 21, 22 & 23
Mon, 12 Noon  Liturgy
7 p.m. Liturgy of the Blessing of Holy Oils Celebrated by Bishop A. Elias Zaidan
Tues, 12 Noon Liturgy
7 p.m. Liturgy & Benediction of the Cross
Wed, 12 Noon Liturgy
7 p.m. Rite of the Lamp and Liturgy
12 Noon Liturgy
7 p.m. Liturgy and Washing of the Feet; Procession with Blessed Sacrament and Adoration till   11 p.m.
11 a.m. Pre-Sanctified Liturgy
7 p.m. Burial of the Lord
                                           SATURDAY, MARCH 26(GREAT SATURDAY OF THE LIGHT)
10 a.m. Confessions
11 a.m. Prayer of Forgiveness
10 p.m. Opening of Tomb and Solemn Liturgy of Resurrection
(Everyone is welcome to the Cedars Hall for refreshments following the 10 pm
9 a.m. Liturgy of Easter (No coffee hour on Easter Sunday.)
11 a.m. Liturgy of Easter

As part of our formation, one of the goals of our ministry is to help parishioners develop a greater understanding of our rich Maronite Catholic History and Heritage. In furtherance of that goal we will be adding a short explanation to each bulletin about some aspect of our faith. This continues the discussion about our Maronite Liturgy.

The Service of Communion The Breaking of the Bread and the Signing
The gesture of breaking the bread is reminiscent of the time when the bread used in the liturgy consisted of one large, leavened loaf that was consecrated and then divided for distribution to the celebrant and all the other participants.     However, the breaking of the bread also leads to a very ancient practice of signing the chalice with the consecrated bread and signing the bread with the consecrated wine.

Some believe that there are two themes being represented in the Anaphora. In the first phase, we celebrate the sacrificial and salvific work of Christ which is signified by the ritual separation of the Eucharistic Bread and Wine at the "Words of Institution". The second phase begins with the invocation of the Holy Spirit (epiclesis), where the oblation is filled with the Holy Spirit, symbolizing both the revivifying resurrection of Christ and the transfiguration of the oblation into divine nourishment. The revivifying action announced at the invocation of the Holy Spirit now finds visible expression in the reunion of the bread and wine by the signing. The physical joining of the bread and wine signifies the resurrected or vivified Christ. The host marked by the blood becomes the figure of the vivified body, and the wine marked and mixed with vivifying bread becomes the figure of the glorious blood.

In being so marked, the bread and wine now symbolize nourishment of immortality. The oblations become divine gifts which are given to us in communion. The particles of bread were traditionally referred to as "pearls" or "embers". In the Syriac tradition the pearl often symbolized Christ. Legend had it that pearls were conceived virginally in the sea by bolts of lightning. Therefore, the pearl symbolizes both the origin of Christ and Christ as light to the world.

Our missal reads: "We sign this cup of salvation . . . with the purifying ember which glows with heavenly mysteries". The term "ember" recalls the Biblical reference to the lips of Isaiah being purified by a burning coal. Also, the bread now being consecrated by the fiery Spirit of God is seen as symbolically ablaze. The Thanksgiving prayer of the    Anaphora of Third Peter says of the   Eucharist: "O devouring fire that our fingers have held, and living ember that our lips have kissed". This symbol reinforces the idea that the Eucharist purifies us and is for the forgiveness of sins.

After breaking the bread, the celebrant places a particle in the chalice and recites the following prayer: "You have united, O Lord, Your divinity with our humanity and our humanity with Your divinity; Your (immortal) life with our mortality and our mortality with Your life. You have assumed what is ours and You have given us what is Yours, for the life and salvation of our souls . . . " This prayer offers a concise statement of the Syriac teaching on the Incarnation. God in His generosity and compassion desires that His creation achieve divinization. This divine plan is realized in the Word of God joining with our human nature. In so doing our nature now has the possibility of going beyond itself. However, through sin, death, both physical and spiritual, has entered into our existence. Therefore, God's immortality replaces our mortal destiny. In the Word of God humbling Himself, our humility has been raised to its Creator.

Taken from A Commentary on the Holy Mysteries: The Holy Mystery of Offering (Qorbono)
By Chorbishop Seely Beggiani (

If you have questions about Catholic teaching or our Maronite tradition, or would like to suggest a topic, please email us or tell us the next time we see you. Thank you and God Bless.
David Wahby ( and Tony Simon (

Altar Servers
As we have announced in the past, we are still in great need of altar servers at ALL MASSES. We are looking for all interested BOYS AND GIRLS that would like to serve at mass to send an email to Tony or David. We would love to have more servers and can teach you everything you need to know. NO PREVIOUS EXPERIENCE NECESSARY
Tony (; David (

Friday, March 11, 2016

Bulletin March 13-20, 2016

Sunday of Bartimaeus the Blind

A theme that is central to the Maronite Liturgy is Jesus as the Light of the world and daily we invoke Mary as the Mother of the Light. On this sixth Sunday of Lent, we recall Bartimaeus, the blind man who wanted to behold the light of the world.

Jesus and the crowds around him were approaching the gate of the city of Jericho where a blind beggar was sitting. It was a good time to beg for alms because the number of persons who walked by. The gospel gives us his name as “Bartimaeus.” Bartimaeus heard the tramping of feet and the noise of the crowd and asked who was passing by. When he heard that it was Jesus who was approaching, he  began to shout and make noise in order to attract Jesus’ attention. Everyone who was   trying to listen to the Master was offended and tried to silence the beggar. But this was the only chance for the beggar: Jesus was passing by and he wanted to escape from his world of darkness.

When Jesus indicated that he wanted to see what Bartimaeus wanted, the attitude of the crowd changed. They told the blind beggar, “Courage, get up. He is calling you.” The beggar’s response was immediate. He throw off his cloak and rushed to the Lord. In many ways, we are called to be like the beggar. Certain opportunities come only once. When the Lord calls us, we must throw off anything that will hinder us and run to Christ.

The blind man knew what he wanted; he wanted light. Not only was the beggar to receive the gift of sight from the Lord; he was also to receive the gift of inner light, the gift of faith. How courageous Bartimaeus was in his desire to seek the Light of the world. Many of us desire to remain in the darkness.

Let us not allow the world to prevent us from seeking the Light, but let us cast aside all that hinders us and go to meet the Lord. “Through the rays of your light, we shall see the light, O Jesus, full of mercy.”

Benediction of the Cross
The Benediction of the Cross will take place every Friday evening during Lent at 7pm.  Following the  Benediction there will be a potluck supper in  the Lebanon Room. During Lent, please remember to abstain from meat on all Fridays and to fast and abstain on Great Friday.
Benediction of the Cross Speakers:
Friday March 18: Chorbishop Moussa Joseph
Schedule of Friday Lenten Meals:
March 18: Parish Council

Eparchy of Our Lady of Lebanon of Los Angeles
Recently, each parishioner should have received an invitation from Bishop Elias A. Zaidan, Bishop of the Eparchy of Our Lady of Lebanon of Los Angeles to participate in the Annual Bishop’s Appeal. If you did not receive this communication, please consider this your invitation to participate. Our Annual Bishop’s Appeal calls us to be mindful that we are members of a larger Maronite Catholic community that encompasses a vast territory with existing challenges and growing needs. As the Bishop reported in his invitation to us, the Annual Bishop’s Appeal benefits the assistance for retired priests, seminarians, the Shrine, aid to Mission    Parishes, Youth and Young Adult Ministries, and other vital ministries key to the life of our Eparchy. I ask you to please be generous in supporting the Bishop’s Annual Appeal.  The goal for Saint Raymond Cathedral Parish is $8,500.00 and I am asking each family to be as generous as possible. Please make checks payable to Saint Raymond Cathedral Parish to receive a tax credit for your donation.  The Eparchy counts on parishes to make their goals in order for the ministries of the Eparchy to flourish. If Saint Raymond’s falls short in reaching our goal, we will need to meet the goal by using funds from the Sunday Collection, which funds are already earmarked for our own budget. In this Holy Year of Mercy, I ask that you prayerfully consider a donation to assist the Eparchy in this most worthy appeal.
St. Raymond’s has collected $1,405.00  and our goal is $8,500.00.
Chorbishop Moussa Joseph

Tuesday, March 22nd, Wednesday March 23rd, and Friday March 25th during Great Friday Service Reverend Monsignor Michael Witt, Ph.D. (Professor at Kenrick Glennon Seminary & noted Church Historian) will be speaking at all the liturgies.
Please plan to join us during Holy Week for
Spiritual Enrichment in preparation for
The First Five Saturdays of Devotion
Our Lady of Fatima  Promises all the Graces Necessary for Heaven if a Catholic Finishes the Five First Saturdays of Devotion. “...Tell them that I promise to assist at the hour of death with the graces necessary for salvation all those who, in order to make reparation to me, on the First Saturday of five successive months, go to confession, receive Holy Communion, say five decades of the Rosary and keep me company for a quarter of an hour, meditating on the fifteen mysteries of the Rosary.”
 Year of Mercy
calls us to
Acts of Mercy
In this Year of Mercy we are called to offer forgiveness, mercy and compassion. Saint Raymond Cathedral Parish wishes to assist the poor and needy of our area by collecting canned and boxed goods. During Benediction of the Cross on the Fridays of Lent and at Masses on the weekends, we invite all parishioners to bring food for the needy as an Act of Mercy. Boxes will be available in the back of the Cathedral to collect your generous offerings for the poor and marginalized of our area. Please join this parish program by participating with your usual generosity on the Fridays and Weekends of Lent. May God Bless you.
Maronite Mercy Pilgrimage
Reserve on Your Calendar: May 25-June 4, 2016
Join Bishop Elias Zaidan on a special Maronite Pilgrimage to Italy in honor  of the Year of Mercy. The price for the pilgrimage is $2,000 (Airline not included). The price includes 9    overnights at  4 star hotel, breakfast and dinners, all admittance fees, English speaking guide, and private deluxe air conditioned coach.
Highlights of the trip: Papal audience with Pope Francis and Liturgy at St. Peter’s Basilica
For more information please email us at or call Chorbishop Sharbel Maroun at (612) 379-2758. Seats will be limited.
MYO Easter Lily Spring Fundraiser

The MYO will be selling Easter Lilies beginning  Friday February 26th until March 13th. The Lilies are sold in one gallon pots for $12. Pick up for the Lilies will be the weekend of March 18th-20th. Order forms will be available in the vestibule. Please contact Karen Crenshaw ( or the rectory   314-621-0056  if you have any questions.
Weekly Finances for March 6th-March 13th-This does not include Wednesday lunch
Income: $7,187.00
Expenses: $7,793.77
St. Steven’s Church
St. Steven’s Church will be hosting a St. Patrick’s Day Dinner on Sunday March 13, 2016  from 11am-3pm. They are located at 11514 Highway A Richwoods, MO. 63071. Adults are $9 and Children are $4. Corned Beef and Cabbage or Ham dinners will be served.

Kitchen Scoop
Rolling Cabbage Rolls Mondays at 8:30am
Rolling Grape Leaves Wednesday March 23rd @ 3:30pm
Making Tabouli Friday March 18th at 8:30 am
Making Kibbi Aras Tuesdays at 8:30 am
Preparing Wednesday Lunch  8 am-11 am
Serving Wednesday Lunch 11 am-2 pm
The Kitchen continues to need help in preparation for Palm Sunday. On Friday March 18th, the kitchen will be preparing for Palm Sunday. Tabouli for the month of March will be done on this day (March 18th). On  Saturday March 19th we will begin making meat pies from 8:30am-11:00 am.
Palm Sunday is a parish event that is open to the public and we are in need of more parish volunteers to help in the kitchen. For example, help make meat pies and spinach pies, work the line, work the stove, fry kibbi aras, keeping the hall clean, and carry out. If any of the youth of our parish are interested in service hours Palm Sunday would be a great day to volunteer. On Palm Sunday kitchen preparation begins at 8 am until we open at 11:30 am and then serving lunch until 3pm.
If you are interested in volunteering please contact Denise Seifert, Kathleen Wahby, or Gina Fanetti
St. Raymond’s Holy Week Schedule
10 a.m.                                Solemn Liturgy with procession and distribution of palms.    
4 p.m.                                  Liturgy & distribution of palms.
11:30 a.m.-3 p.m.              Lebanese food will be served for the public in the Cedars Hall
Mon, 12 Noon Liturgy
7 p.m. Liturgy of the Blessing of Holy Oils Celebrated by Bishop A. Elias Zaidan
Tues, 12 Noon Liturgy
7 p.m. Liturgy & Benediction of the Cross
Wed, 12 Noon Liturgy
7 p.m. Rite of the Lamp and Liturgy
12 Noon Liturgy
7 p.m. Liturgy and Washing of the Feet; Procession with Blessed Sacrament and Adoration till   11 p.m.
11 a.m. Pre-Sanctified Liturgy
7 p.m. Burial of the Lord
10 a.m. Confessions
11 a.m. Prayer of Forgiveness
10 p.m. Opening of Tomb and Solemn Liturgy of Resurrection
(Everyone is welcome to the Cedars Hall for refreshments following the 10 pm Liturgy)
9 a.m. Liturgy of Easter (No coffee hour on Easter Sunday.)
11 a.m. Liturgy of Easter
 Ladies Society Bake Sale
The Ladies Society will be hosting a bake sale for Palm Sunday. Please bring your baked items to the Lebanon Room Saturday March 19th between 4pm and 6 pm.

Altar Servers
As we have announced in the past, we are still in great need of altar servers at ALL MASSES. We are looking for all     interested BOYS AND GIRLS that would like to serve at mass to send an email to Tony or David. We would love to have more servers and can teach you everything you need to know. NO PREVIOUS EXPERIENCE NECESSARY
Tony (; David (