Friday, May 22, 2015

May 23, 2015

Pentecost Sunday
(John 14:15-20)

“I will not leave you orphaned.” At some point we all want or
even need to hear these words. They speak directly to some of our greatest
fears and challenges. They remind us that we are not destined to walk
this earth without an identity or direction. We do not stand alone. We fear
becoming orphaned. That fear points us deeper into reality that by
ourselves we are not enough. It is not, however, because we are deficient.
It is rather because we were never intended to be self-sufficient. We were
created to love and be loved, to live in relationship as persons giving themselves to each other, to dwell, abide, and remain within each other as the Father is in Jesus and Jesus is in the Father.
“I will not leave you orphaned.” That is the promise. Regardless of the circumstances of our lives, storms, death, separation, we have never been and will never be orphaned by God. How strange that must have sounded to the disciples. In the same conversation Jesus tells them that He is leaving and coming.
Leaving and coming…presence and absence…These must be held in tension, not as mutually exclusive. That is what Jesus has set before us in today’s gospel. That tension confronts us with the question of whether Jesus, for us, is a past memory or a present reality, a sentimental story that makes us feel good or a living experience that challenges, guides, and nurtures our life.
According to Jesus the answer to that question is determined by love that is revealed and fulfilled in keeping His commandments. The commandment to love our neighbor as ourselves, to love our enemies, to love the Lord our God with all our heart, soul, mind and strength.
Do we keep the commandments? Is our love growing, expanding, transformative of ourselves and the world? If so, Jesus is probably for us a present reality and we know the fulfillment of his promise that we are not left orphaned.
Keeping the commandments is our access to Jesus’ promise that we will not be left orphaned. Keeping the commandments does not make Jesus present to us. It makes us present to the already ongoing reality of Jesus’ presence. The commandments do not earn us Jesus’ love, they reveal our love for him, a love that originates in His abiding love and presence within us.
Every time we expand the boundaries of our love, we push back the orphanages of this world creating space within us where the father and Jesus make their home.
“I will not leave you orphaned.” Over and over, day after day, regardless of what is happening in our lives, that is Jesus’ promise. We have not been abandoned. Do not abandon yourselves or others to the orphanages of this world. Love with all that you are and that you have even as the Father and Jesus love us with all they are and that they have.

Week of May 17th income:             $6,296.00
Week of May 17 expenses:             $8,201.00

Ladies Society outing—Mark your calendars for a ladies night out! Tuesday, June 2nd at 6:30 pm. Location to be determined. Please email Gina at  by May  29th to let us know if you would like to attend. All ladies of the parish are invited!
The Men’s Society meeting will be Thursday, June 4th at 6:30 pm in the Lebanon room. All men of the parish are invited to attend.

There are meditation CD’s from Lighthouse Catholic Media available in the                                        vestibule of the church. To help defray the cost, we are asking for $3.00 for each CD  you choose. Please put the money in the envelope next to the CD’s. We hope you  enjoy them!

The sound system is complete! To date, we have collected about $30,000 of the $48,000. Please consider donating if you haven’t already. Thank you to those of you who have. Hopefully you can  HEAR the difference! God Bless you all.

Our Fall Festival is quickly approaching! It’s time to pitch in as we start
to get ready with preparing for the festival. Please, prepare yourself to
volunteer. Those who wish to chair a booth, please contact Janet Baker at or Gina Fanetti at for more
details about booths.  FESTIVAL DATE: SEPTEMBER 19-20, 2015

May 16 bulletin

Jesus New Commandment
John 13:31-35
The Gospel of John could be summed up by a number of different key words. It could be called a gospel of life, a gospel of light, of believing, of knowing, of sending and being sent, a gospel of signs, or, above all, as we see from this passage, a gospel of glory and of love.
Life, light, believing, knowing, glory, love…the meanings of these words do not lie in the dictionary: they lie in the actions of Christ. They describe life and a way of life, and they can be known only as experienced in their incarnation.
As always in John, this glorification of Father and Son is not something between them alone; it does not stop with Christ. The capacity to glorify God extends to Christ’s followers and is laid upon believers as a charge—“My Father is glorified by this, that you bear much fruit and become my Disciples” (Jn15:8). Believers are empowered to do the same works that Christ did, and even greater works.
Our actions show God’s glory, too. At least, we are charged that it be so. Jesus prays, “All mine are yours and yours are mine, and I have been glorified in them” (17:10). Here the focus lies on promise and possibilities, looking at the fullness of God’s gifts: “ The glory that you have given me I have given them, so that they may be one, as we are one…so that the world may know that you have sent me and have loved them even as you have loved me” (17:22-23). As was true for Christ is true for us. We cannot fully show the glory until we have completed the work of God has sent us to do. Or, more positively, we show the glory as we complete that work.
This work, however, is demanding, is not mere feeling, but stands as an enduring , abiding will to do whatever God sends us to do. Jesus states this three times. “If you love me you will keep my commandments” ( 14:15), “those who love me will keep my word,” ( 14:23), and “If you keep my commandments, you will abide in my love” (15:10).
This love flows out of communion with Christ. It is who we become, the more we come to know God. God will always call on us to love. And if we love as Christ did, that love is strong, enduring, and faithful; we will love to the end (13:1). This love is not easily shaken or deterred from its primary task, which is simply to express itself in action, drawing from God’s unlimited supply. Perhaps Jesus’ promise in Matthew is better known—“wherever two or three are gathered in my name, I am there among them” (Matthew 18:20), but in John the promise is much more richly---“Those who love me will keep my word, and my Father will love them, and we will come to them and make our home with them” (14:23).
This love flows out of His abiding presence among us. When we live in His love, we can, if called upon, fulfill the highest form of love. “There is no greater love than this, to lay down one’s life for one’s friends” (15:13). These are high standards for a high calling. We might look at our friends and wonder—if the moment ever came, would we be willing to die for them?

The sound system is complete! To date, we have collected about $30,000 of the $48,000. Please consider donating if you haven’t already. Thank you to those of you who have. Hopefully you can  HEAR the difference! God Bless you all.
Thursday May 21st at 7:00 pm. Please join us for a peaceful time during our busy schedules!
There will be no coffee hour on Sunday May 24th due to Memorial weekend. Have a great 3 day weekend.
As everyone is aware, Saint Raymond Parish has the wonderful custom of gathering for coffee and donuts after the 9 am and 11 am Sunday Liturgies.  These coffee socials are an important fabric of Saint Raymond Parish as they unite family and friends week after week.  We are in need of some help in continuing the hospitality of our coffee socials.  Please consider forming a small team of one or two people to prepare the coffee with the help of the instruction booklet! Our hope is to get several small teams so that each team would only volunteer once per month.  Please considering serving in this important ministry for the Cathedral Parish.  If you want more information, or wish to volunteer, please contact the rectory office at 314-621-0056 or May God bless you abundantly

Our Fall Festival is quickly approaching! It’s time to pitch in as we start to get ready with preparing for the festival. Please, prepare yourself to volunteer. Those who wish to chair a booth, please contact Janet Baker at or Gina Fanetti at for more details about booths.

May 2, 2015

Do you love me? What a question. What words. We hear that question often in our lives when someone wants assurance from us that we love them. We ask that question when we need assurance that we are loved. The question is so basic: Do you love me?
It is with this mood that we approach the gospel lesson for today in which Simon Peter, the big fisherman and the leader of the disciples, is asked that same question by Jesus three times. Do you love me? Jesus wants to know about Peter’s love.
This question gets right to the heart of the matter. It deals with the central issue between us and God. God doesn’t ask what church activities we are involved in. God doesn’t want to know if we are a theological conservative or liberal. God detours around our stand on church issues and doesn’t question the amount we give to church causes. Though all of these are important they are not the most important. Rather, God focuses on our hearts. He asks if all that we do, say and are, flows out of love for Jesus Christ.
Jesus too is feeling our pulse for a passionate, burning devotion, He wants to know, “Do you love me?”
What happens when we answer:”yes God, I love you. Yes Jesus, I love you. Yes, spirit, I love you.” What happens? Notice the final two words Jesus says to Peter: “Follow me!” Do you see the connection? I can follow Jesus only when I love Him. I can deny myself, take up my cross, and follow Him only when I love Him. I can profess Him and join His church only when I love Him.
Have you even wondered how fans can stand in line for hours to buy tickets to a rock concert or a football game? It is because they love the band or the team. Wouldn’t it be nice if we had people doing the same thing to get into church? Love makes sacrifice a privilege, service an honor, suffering a joy.
We see that in the life of Lord Jesus. We see that in the life of the disciples. We see that in the life of the Apostle Paul. “Do you love me?” The bottom line is this: the Lord wants our love. Think of the Great commandment that God gave and recorded in the Old Testament, “ Love the Lord you God with all your heart, soul, mind and strength.” God, in Christ, wants our love. He wanted Peter’s love, even though Peter denied Him three times. The Lord Jesus wants your love: no matter how faithful or faithless you have been, no matter whether you denied Him or professed Him, no matter how strong or weak your faith may be, no matter how you have fallen into sin or practiced righteousness, no matter what! “Do you love me?” What is your answer?

As everyone is aware, Saint Raymond Parish has the wonderful custom of gathering for coffee and donuts after the 9 am and 11 am Sunday Liturgies.  These coffee socials are an important fabric of Saint Raymond Parish as they unite family and friends week after week.  We are in need of some help in continuing the hospitality of our coffee socials.  Please consider forming a small team of one or two people to prepare the coffee with the help of the instruction booklet! Our hope is to get several small teams so that each team would only volunteer once per month.  Please considering serving in this important ministry for the Cathedral Parish.  If you want more information, or wish to volunteer, please contact the rectory office at 314-621-0056 or May God bless you abundantly.
The sound system is complete! To date, we have collected about $20,000 of the $48,000. Please consider donating if you haven’t already. Thank you to those of you who have. Hopefully you can  HEAR the difference! God Bless you all.
Loving God,
You wrap your arms around your people and show your everlasting love in the same way a mother loves her children. We are grateful for the love you have taught us through the mothers in our lives: our own mother who brought us into this world, the mothers of friends who have welcomed us into their homes and families, our grandmothers who took time for us,  and the mothers who have helped us even though we were not their children. Bless all the mothers of this world today. May they know the fullness of love they have shared and be blessed every day of their lives.

Sincere thanks and appreciation  to those of you who sent a contribution to the Eparchy Appeal. We reached our goal of $8,500.00  The money raised will help our National  Shrine, our seminarians , our Missions and many other important casues.

The NAM convention will take place in Cleveland, Ohio July 1-5, 2015. Those who wish to attend and participate may pick up fliers and information from the vestibule of the church or visit the website of NAM at for more details.

A general meeting for the festival will take place on Monday May 11, 2015 at 7:00 pm in the Lebanon room. Everyone is welcome to attend and participate! Remember it is a parish function and every person is part of it!

April 18, 2015

Jesus had twelve Apostles, but He also had many other followers whom He called disciples. Jesus walked with two of these disciples, Cleopas and his companion, along the road to Emmaus, about seven miles from Jerusalem.
The disciples are downhearted, because they believed Jesus would free them from the power of the Romans, and they think he remains dead. Jesus wanted to comfort them and bring them to true faith in Him and then to be His witnesses. But as they walked along, the disciples did not recognize Him.
Jesus gradually reveals the Resurrection to them. First, He explains all that referred to Him in the Scripture. He showed how the promised Messiah would have to suffer, but then die and rise again.
As Catholics, we believe that the Scripture is the inspired word of God, but we must understand Scripture as the Church understands it. Before there was a New Testament, there was the Church. The Church encourages us to read Sacred Scripture. In fact, St. Jerome said: “Ignorance of Scripture is ignorance of Christ.”
As they are fed with the word, Cleopas and his companion have new and lasting hope. Jesus pretends to continue along the road, but his disciples plead with Him by saying “Stay with us.” Still, they don’t recognize him. It is only when He took the bread, blessed and broke it that the disciples recognized Jesus. The “breaking of the bread” was a term the early Christians used to describe the Eucharist.
At every liturgy, we have an experience similar to these disciples. First, we are fed with the word of God. Then we are fed with the Eucharist in which we receive Jesus in His body, blood, souls and divinity.
The Eucharist is the source and summit of our lives. It is the source, because Jesus says “Apart from me you can do nothing” (John 15:5). He also says “Unless you eat my body and drink my blood, you have no life in you” (John 6:53).
The Eucharist is the summit, because there is no more perfect union with Jesus which we can experience on this earth than receiving Him in the Holy Eucharist. Jesus says “He who eats my flesh and drinks my blood abides in me and I in him” (John 6:56).
The Eucharist is a ledge of eternal life. The Catechism of the Catholic Church teaches us that when we receive Jesus in the Eucharist worthily, He helps to separate us from sin, cleanses us of venial sins, strengthens virtue, prevents future mortal sins, renews, strengthens and deepens our incorporation into the Church.
The disciples were strengthened through the word which Jesus explained to them. They recognized Jesus by the “breaking of the bread”. Now they return to Jerusalem to let the eleven remaining Apostles know what has happened. When we leave the Liturgy we go into the world. We should seek opportunities to tell people what God has done for us, what happens at every Liturgy, when we have an opportunity to be fed by the word of God, to be united with Our Lord and Savior in the Eucharist and to receive Him who is our pledge of eternal life.

 New Parish Pastoral Council
In accord with the new Eparchial regulations approved by His Excellency, Bishop Elias A. Zaidan, Bishop of the Eparchy of Our Lady of Lebanon, each Parish is to establish a Parish Pastoral Council.  The Parish Pastoral Council is to have nine members, six elected by the parish and three appointed by the Pastor.  The Parish Pastoral Council serves in an advisory capacity to the Pastor. I wish to sincerely thank those members who have faithfully served on the former Parish Board and I prayerfully invoke God’s choicest blessings upon them for their dedicated stewardship.

During the weekend of April 11th and 12th, Saint Raymond Cathedral Parish held an election for the new Parish Pastoral Council.  I wish to thank all of those wonderful parishioners who allowed their names to be placed in nomination for the Parish Pastoral Council.  Whether elected or not, each person on the ballot represented a dedicated individual who has been an outstanding participant in the spiritual, social and family life of Saint Raymond Cathedral Parish.  May God bless them.
On Monday, April 13, 2015, the Nominating Committee met to tabulate the ballots.  I am pleased to announce the following six parishioners (in alphabetical order) were elected to serve on the new Parish Pastoral Council:
Rick Baker
Greg Elking
Gina Fanetti
Mary Ann Powell
John Simon, Jr.
Jim Ulett
In continued accord with Eparchial regulations, as Rector of Saint Raymond Cathedral Parish, I have appointed the following three parishioners to serve on the Parish Pastoral Council:
Nina Bouhasin
Samirah Day
Maged Haikal, MD, Chairman

As we move to adopt the new Eparchial format for advisory governance, I wish to express my gratitude and esteem for ALL of our parishioners who continually sacrifice their time, talent, and treasure for Saint Raymond Cathedral Parish. God bless you all.

Chorbishop Moussa Joseph
The sound system will be installed at the end of April. Please consider donating to this important improvement to our church. Thank you to those of you who have already donated!
As everyone is aware, Saint Raymond Parish has the wonderful custom of gathering for coffee and donuts after the 9 am and 11 am Sunday Liturgies.  These coffee socials are an important fabric of Saint Raymond Parish as they unite family and friends week after week.  We are in need of some help in continuing the hospitality of our coffee socials.  Please consider forming a small team of one or two people to prepare the coffee with the help of the instruction booklet! Our hope is to get several small teams so that each team would only volunteer once per month.  Please considering serving in this important ministry for the Cathedral Parish.  If you want more information, or wish to volunteer, please contact the rectory office at 314-621-0056 or May God bless you abundantly.
The NAM convention will take place in Cleveland, Ohio July 1-5, 2015. Those who wish to attend and participate may pick up fliers and information from the vestibule of the church or visit the website of NAM at for more details.

April 4

April 1, 2015
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
Our Maronite ritual on Easter centers around the theme of “Peace”; the Risen Christ is our peace and he grants peace to our minds and hearts. We will never enjoy true peace unless we get closer to Jesus.
· Easter grants peace of mind: Christ reveals to us the identity and essence of God.
· Easter grants peace of conscience: Christ has reconciled us with God and each other.
· Easter grants us peace of heart: Christ calms our anxieties and we enjoy his presence within us.
As we approach this most sacred feast of the Church –the solemn celebration of the Resurrection - I echo the ancient Christian salutation: Christ is risen! Truly He is risen!
I also wish to extend to you the blessings of this Holy Feast, asking the Lord to bless you and your loved ones. As the Hoosoyo says for this feast: “Clothe our bodies with the power of the Spirit, so that we may shine in the robe of glory and in its light see you, the true Bridegroom.”
The Feast of the Resurrection also ushers in a new season. A season of exultation and joy because death has been conquered. It is a season of peace and unity. I pray for both.
I assure all that you will be remembered in the Divine Liturgy of the Resurrection.
May Christ fill your homes and your hearts with that peace that comes to us from Christ’s love.
A Blessed and Joyful Easter to all of you.
Sincerely yours in Christ,
+ A. Elias Zaidan
Bishop of the Eparchy of Our Lady of Lebanon of Los Angeles

The sound system will be installed at the end of April. Please consider donating to this important improvement to our church.
The Annual Lenten Appeal for the Eparchy of Our Lady of Lebanon is now taking place. This year, a copy of a letter from Bishop Elias Zaidan was sent to every family in the mail, together with a special gift. This is the same appeal that we do every year.  If you write a check, please make it payable to St. Raymond’s and mail it or put it in the collection basket. We will send one check to the Eparchy at the end of the Appeal. Our parish’s goal for this year’s Appeal is $8500.00. We have received $6475.00 of the $8500.00 so far. If we don’t reach our goal, the parish has to make up the difference. Please be generous and support the Eparchy.  For those of you who did not receive any by mail, there are some extra pamphlets in the vestibule. Thank you.