Pentecost Sunday
On the fiftieth day after Passover—in Greek, “Pentecost”
there was celebrated in Jerusalem the feast of the Gathering,
and from all the corners of the globe the Jews assembled in
Pilgrimage, in memory of God’s gift of the law to Moses on
Mount Sinai.
The Apostles, the Virgin, a few relatives of the Lord, and a few
women were assembled in the upper room. Around nine
o’clock in the morning God appeared to them as he had
appeared to Moses on Sinai, in the midst of a storm and with
violent wind; his Spirit settled upon them in the form of tongues
of fire which rested on their heads. The Spirit gave them the
power to evangelize the world by means of the new assembly
of God’s people, the Church. As a sign that God had now firmly
established his Church, the gospel was understood by all who
were present though they spoke different languages and came
from all races and nations. This work of God’s grace may be compared to what happened to people of Babel, who spoke one common language and yet, because of their sin, were no longer able to understand each other.
At Pentecost, although the people spoke diverse languages, they understood the single language of the apostles. This is clearly a symbol of God’s call to all people to unity and mutual understanding. That is why the feast of Pentecost and the season which follows it invites us to meditate on the “One, holy, Catholic Church” which the Spirit has sanctified and which Christ founded on the apostles. Let us ask the Lord to grant us his Spirit and the gifts that come from him, so that we may be true children of God and his Church, and zealous apostles willing to spread the gospel of Christ; to him be glory for ever.
Blessed Sacrament
Come spend some time with the Lord during Eucharistic Adoration—
Wednesdays beginning May 8th from 9:30 am -12:30 pm. It’s a good time
to offer your petitions, your requests, your needs!
Our Lady of Lebanon Shrine Trip—August 13, 14 & 15
We must pay for the bus in advance as they are keeping the cost the same as last year. If we delay, our individual ticket must go up and we do not want this to happen. The cost is $150.00 round trip. Please give your money to Roxie as soon as possible. Bus leaves August 13th at 5 am and returns August 16th leaving Ohio at 7:00 am!
Pray for the Sick
Please continue to remember the sick or homebound of our parish in your prayers.
Josephine Bouhasin, James Crenshaw, Ann Elking, Tom McDermott, James Randazzo
Mary Jane Simon, Thelma Simon, Erma Valentine, Vince Wahby, Mike Ablan
Schnucks: Please remember to use your Schnucks cards. Its easy to do and St. Raymond’s receives a small percentage of your purchase. We are currently only receiving about $25 a month from Schnucks. If you don’t have one, just ask next time you’re there! Thank you.
Lenten Appeal: St. Raymond’s goal is $8,500. We have currently received about $6,500.
If you have not sent your donation in, please contribute so the money doesn’t have to come out of our church account!
Coffee Hour: Due to Memorial Day weekend, the hall will be closed on Sunday, May 26th. There will be no coffee hour after masses.
Ladies Society Outing: The Ladies Society is having a “Girls Night Out” on June 6th at Joey B’s Restaurant in Concord Village at 5:00 pm. After dinner they will attend a movie at Ronnie’s theater (movie TBA). If interested, please contact Pat Busekrus at 314-920-2573. Please RSVP by June 2nd.