Friday, October 14, 2016

Bulletin October 16-23, 2016

St. Jude The Apostle

October 14

Saint Jude, known as Thaddaeus, was a brother of St. James the Less, and a relative of Jesus. He was one of the Twelve  Apostles. "Thaddeus" may have become a popular nickname for Jude following Judas Iscariot's betrayal. St. Jude is not the same person as Judas Iscariot.
Sometimes he can also be seen holding a carpenter's ruler or is depicted with a scroll or book, as the writer of the Epistle of Jude in the New Testament.
St. Jude was the son of Clopas and his mother Mary was the Virgin Mary's cousin. Ancient writers tell us that he preached the Gospel in Judea, Samaria, Idumaea, Lebanon, Syria,  Mesopotamia, and Lybia. According to the Christian historian Eusebius, he returned to Jerusalem in the year 62, and assisted at the election of his brother, St. Simeon, as Bishop of Jerusalem.
St. Jude is mentioned several times in the Gospels.  Some traditions claim that he visited  Beirut (where he may have been martyred) and Edessa (in modern Iraq).
Following his death, St. Jude's body was brought to Rome and left in a crypt in St. Peter's Basilica. Today his bones can be found in St. Peter's Basilica under the altar dedicated to St. Joseph. Pilgrims came to St. Jude's grave to pray and many reported a powerful intercession, leading to the title, "The Saint for the Hopeless and the Despairing." Sometimes he is called "The Patron Saint of the Impossible."
Christians invoke St. Jude when in desperate situations because his New Testament letter stresses that the faithful should persevere in the environment of harsh, difficult circumstances - just as their forefathers had done before them; therefore, he is the patron saint of desperate cases.

St. Jude pray for us!


Anyone who has personal concerns regarding financial issues related to the parish should contact the Parish Administrator, Deacon Lou Peters, at 314-621-0056 or by email:


Parish condolences to Nazha Hitti on the death of her brother Antoine Hitti who passed away in Lebanon and was buried in Australia. May he rest in peace.

The Order helps to support and educate our seminarians. You can help those who help us.  If you would like to be part of the Order, information is available in the Church or you can join on line:

The feast of our patron, St. Raymond, will be celebrated on Sunday, November 20th.  Divine Liturgy will be celebrated at 10 A.M followed by a Luncheon with a very short program and recognition. Tickets will be $15 for adults, $5 for children 10 and under. Subdeacon Tony and Mary Simon are chairing the event. If anyone is interested in helping to underwrite the cost of the luncheon, please speak with Deacon Lou.  About 50% of the cost has already been donated.  We will publish the names of those who help in the program booklet.
Religion classes for all students K-8 (catholic, private or public schools) have started. Classes meet  at 9 am and conclude in time for 10 o’clock Divine Liturgy. Registration forms are available in the church vestibule.
Classes are held on all Sundays except: November 20th (Feast of St. Raymond celebration), November 27th (Thanksgiving Weekend) and December 25th (Nativity of the Lord).

On Sundays when there are religious education classes for the children their parents and any other adult   parishioners are invited for coffee in the Hall and share thoughts on some aspect of our Faith. The round-table discussion begins at 9:00 a.m. and ends about 9:40 a.m.  All are welcome. No homework!

Fr. Jad El Chlouk will be returning on October 18 to Rome to continue his studies. We thank Abouna for his time with us and wish God’s blessings upon him

Fr. Freiha Akiki will be arriving in St. Louis. He has recently served at St. Elias in Birmingham, Alabama and will spend time with us living in the rectory. We welcome Fr. Akiki. He will be available for our spiritual needs.

Margie Simon is collecting blankets for the International Institute to distribute to refugee families. There will be a container in the back of church for clean, gently used blankets, or new ones. Collection dates are October 23 and October 30. If you would like your blankets picked up, please email her at
If you have a day or so when you would like to volunteer in the parish please do so.  We can always use kitchen workers (Mondays, Tuesdays, and for Wednesdays of course), Do you enjoy singing? Join the choir, see John LeCuyer our choir directors. No special skill necessary, just a love of the Liturgy and a willingness to share your voice.

The kitchen will be Rolling Grape Leaves on Tuesday October 18th at 4:30pm.
If you are interested in volunteering the kitchen could use help on Mondays Rolling Cabbage @ 8am, Tuesdays Making Kibbi Aras @ 8am and Preparing/Serving Food on Wednesdays from 8am-2pm. All help is greatly appreciated!

It is an ancient custom to remember the dead and offer the Holy Qurbono (Mass) on their behalf.  We encourage you to remember family and friends in this way.

November 1 (Tuesday) Feast of the Righteous and Just (All Saints Day). Holy Day of Obligation. Liturgy 12:00 noon and 7:00 p.m.
November 6: Start of the New Liturgical Year (SUNDAY OF THE CONSECRATION OF THE CHURCH)
November 10 (Thursday) 7:00 pm. Special Ecumenical Prayer Service for the Christians of the Middle East. Bishop Elias Zaidan and members of the Eastern Orthodox Clergy and Laity of the St. Louis area will participate. Short reception in the Cedars Hall to follow.  All parishioners of St. Raymond are invited to attend.  It is being sponsored by the local chapter of the In Defense of Christians Organization.

November 20 Celebration of the Feast of St. Raymond (see bulletin article/handout)


Parish Finances October 2nd-9th
Saturday October 8th loose offertory: $55.95
Saturday October 8th cks and envs: $784.00
Sunday October 9th loose offertory:$545.10
Sunday October 9th cks and envs: $1,520.00
Revenue during the week:$950.00
Feast of the Assumption: $50.00 (Included in Sat and Sun)
Catholic University: $50.00 (Included in Sat and Sun)
Candles: $26.00
Coffee hour: $158.00
Church Use for funeral: $250
Total: $4,289.05

Friday, October 7, 2016

Bulletin October 9-16, 2016

              ORDER OF ST. SHARBEL SUNDAY                  
October 9, 2016

Supporting Catholic Seminarians of the Maronite Church in the United States 

The Order of Saint Sharbel was named for Sharbel Makhluf (1828-98), who was canonized by Pope Paul VI in 1977.  Saint Sharbel was a priest of the Maronite Church who, following the example of Saint Maron, lived as a hermit from 1875 until his death.  His life of holiness and dedication to the Priesthood of Jesus Christ makes him an outstanding role model for priests.
The Order provides financial support to seminarians of the Maronite Church in the United States.  Our seminarians study at Our Lady of Lebanon Maronite Seminary in Washington, D.C. and other Catholic seminaries in the United States. The Maronite Seminary celebrated its 50th anniversary in 2011, and continues to play a vital role in the education of our priests for the 21st  century.

While we trust in Divine Providence to provide for our needs, we realize that the financial support for our seminarians comes from the generosity of our laity.  We ask that you prayerfully consider supporting our seminarians by becoming a member of the Order of Saint Sharbel.  A display and information table will be set up in the parish hall after Liturgy.


Current St. Raymond members are:
Bishop Emeritus Robert Shaheen, St. Raymond’s Ladies Society, St. Raymond’s Men’s Society, Charles and Theresa Miller, John and Margie Simon, Joseph Ojile, John Jabouri, James DuBois, Marilue Simon, Nancy Sarkis, Merry Kweiter, Dave and Kathy Mueckl,     Dr. Maged Haikal, Raymond Rask Jr., Tim and Donna Gamma, Mary Louis,  Dan and Ruth Abodeely, Antoine and Claudine Adem,  Roxie Rask,  Linda Hill, John and Nina Bouhasin, Diana Deeba, Ralph and Sandy Wahby, Dr. Sam Hawatmeh and Raymond Webbe.

Bishop Gregory Mansour (and former rector of St. Raymond) and the entire Eparchy of Saint Maron of Brooklyn are commemorating the 50th Anniversary of the Presence of a Maronite Bishop in the United States, on October 7, 2016, at 6:00 p.m. at Our Lady of Lebanon Cathedral, Brooklyn, N.Y.  The late Archbishop Francis Zayek was appointed to shepherd the Maronites of the United States in 1966. Prior to 1993, St. Raymond was under the jurisdiction of the Eparchy of St. Maron.  Please pray for the clergy and laity of the Eparchy of St. Maron of Brooklyn.
Anyone who has personal concerns regarding financial issues related to the parish should contact the Parish Administrator, Deacon Lou Peters, at 314-621-0056 or by email:
The feast of our patron, St. Raymond, will be celebrated on Sunday, November 20th.  Divine Liturgy will be celebrated at 10 A.M followed by a Luncheon with a very short program and recognition. Tickets will be $15 for adults, $5 for children 10 and under. Subdeacon Tony and Mary Simon are chairing the event. If anyone is interested in helping to underwrite the cost of the luncheon, please speak with Deacon Lou.  About 50% of the cost has already been donated.  We will publish the names of those who help in the program booklet.

Religion classes for all students K-8 (catholic, private or public schools) have started. Classes meet  at 9 am and conclude in time for 10 o’clock Divine Liturgy. Registration forms are available in the church vestibule.
Classes are held on all Sundays except: November 20th (Feast of St. Raymond celebration), November 27th (Thanksgiving Weekend) and December 25th (Nativity of the Lord).

On Sundays when there are religious education classes for the children their parents and any other adult   parishioners are invited for coffee in the Hall and share thoughts on some aspect of our Faith. The round-table discussion begins at 9:00 a.m. and ends about 9:40 a.m.  Last week’s topic was: What is the purpose of life?  This coming week (October 9) will be: How do we become saints? All welcome. No homework!
Father Jad will be in residence until mid-October. If anyone has any spiritual needs, please call the rectory at 314 -621- 0056. He is available for visits, confessions (English, Arabic, French or Italian), or any other spiritual needs.  He has been very helpful so far and we appreciate his services.

We all know people who may not attend St. Raymond.  Each has his or her own reasons for not    attending, but we have a duty - as part of our own Baptism - to reach out to them and invite them to join, re-join, or just get their questions answered.  If you need some guidance on how to approach people speak with Mr. Shawn Nesser (314-518-5196) or Mrs. Nina Bouhasin (314-496-7629). There are Maronites by heritage (by blood) and by choice.  We should reach out to all of them.
The financial data for the Festival are not as yet finalized.  We will publish a report shortly.
Most of our regular parish communication (from the rectory, mens and ladies societies, kitchen workers,children’s classes, etc.) are delivered by EMAIL. If you are not receiving regular communication from the    parish, please email Gina Fanetti, parish administrative assistant/secretary at:
If you do not have an email account, ask a family member or friend to always share the information with you.

If you have a day or so when you would like to volunteer in the parish please do so.  We can always use kitchen workers (Mondays, Tuesdays, and for Wednesdays of course), Do you enjoy singing? Join the choir, see John LeCuyer our choir directors. No special skill necessary, just a love of the Liturgy and a willingness to share your voice.

It is an ancient custom to remember the dead and offer the Holy Qurbono (Mass) on their behalf.  We encourage you to remember family and friends in this way.

November 1 (Tuesday) Feast of the Righteous and Just (All Saints Day). Holy Day of Obligation. Liturgy 12:00 noon and 7:00 p.m.
November 10 (Thursday) 7:00 pm. Special Ecumenical Prayer Service for the Christians of the Middle East. Bishop Elias Zaidan and members of the Eastern Orthodox Clergy and Laity of the St. Louis area will participate. Short reception in the Cedars Hall to follow.  All parishioners of St. Raymond are invited to attend.  It is being sponsored by the local chapter of the In Defense of Christians Organization.

November 20 Celebration of the Feast of St. Raymond (see bulletin article/handout)


Kitchen Scoop
Rolling Grape Leave Tuesday October 11th at 4:30 pm in the Kitchen. All are invited and welcome!
Parish Finances September 25th October 2nd
Saturday October 1st cks and envs: $755
Sunday October 2nd loose offertory:$127
Sunday October 2nd cks and envs: $1,570
Revenue during the week:$9.90
Maintenance and Repair: $35 (Included in Sat and Sun)
Candles: $188.50
Coffee hour: $215
Kitchen Sales:$100
Faith and Heritage Registration:$80
Total: $3,045.40